
All-On-4 - Winter Haven, FL


"I Rarely Smiled And People Thought I Looked Mad - My Dental Implants Completely Changed Me"

Hi, my name is Eric. I had all on for at Winter Haven Dental. I’m in sales. I meet a lot of people. I talk to a lot of people and I very rarely would smile. So I always looking like I was mad and I wasn’t. It was just a fact that I was very self-conscious of my smile and my teeth. I’d like to smile, but when you have this, you don’t want to smile.

They did scans of my entire jaw and showed me where the bone loss was because I had severe bone loss going on and severe gum loss.

Now that I have my new smile, my confidence is a hundred percent better than it once.

Before After

Dr. Russel Hamarnah:

Eric was told he was not a candidate for implants because of his advanced gum disease, but when we proceeded with treatment, we were able to remove all his teeth that were failing due to periodontal disease or decay. And placed numerous implants on top and bottom arch, and give him teeth in a day or all on four.

It improved his quality of life. He was much happier. His wife came in and was super happy. And he noticed once we, you know, did that all on four procedure, it helped him even at his job.


Now that I have my new smile, my confidence is a hundred percent better than it once. When I go in to meet people, the first thing I do is smile, shake their hand. I don’t have any thoughts of “Oh, my gosh. Are they staring at my ugly smile? Are they looking at these new fabulous teeth?”

Dr. Russel Hamarnah:

Now that I have my new smile, my confidence is a hundred percent better than it once. When I go in to meet people, the first thing I do is smile, shake their hand. I don’t have any thoughts of “Oh, my gosh. Are they staring at my ugly smile? Are they looking at these new fabulous teeth?”


I’ll tell you right now. I wish I had done this 10 years ago. I thank him and his team immensely for everything they did for me. Everything. They did a great job and I really appreciate everything they’ve done for me.

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