
Dental Implant Surgery - Winter Haven, FL

The Top Solution To Missing Teeth

"I Thought My Missing Teeth Reflected Poorly On Me So I Got Dental Implants"

Dr. Hamarnah

Why Does Experience Matter For Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental Implants That Last a Lifetime

If you have even one missing tooth, you may find yourself having trouble biting and chewing, or you may feel self-conscious about your mouth. Missing most or all of your teeth can change your facial appearance, lead to jaw recession, and may even have a strong impact on your overall health! No matter how many teeth you need to replace, dental implants are the best way to restore your smile to its natural beauty, and they can last a lifetime! Winter Haven Dental’s Dr. Russell Hamarnah has placed more than 3,000 dental implants in Winter Haven, FL since 2008, and he can help you achieve a permanently improved quality of life, too!

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candidate for dental implants

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What Is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are made of three parts, and together these components replace your natural teeth. First, the zirconia post is implanted into your jaw. The abutment is then connected to the post. Finally, the restoration (the toothlike replacement part) is screwed into the abutment, providing lifelong restoration of function, look and feel in your teeth!

Because they are secured to your jawbone, dental implants are among the most versatile tooth replacements available! Depending on your needs, they can replace one missing tooth, several teeth, or all 32! Regardless of the number of replaced teeth, Winter Haven Dental uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your mouth and ensure a perfect fit.

What Are My Dental Implant Options?

Single Dental Implants

A single dental implant replaces a single tooth, and is a great permanent way to fix a problem tooth.

dental implant bridge model

Multiple Dental Implants

Multiple dental implants can provide multiple teeth on a single post, minimizing the impact of the surgery and reducing your recovery time.

implant supported denture

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures provide a full arch replacement; instead of having a permanent restoration, your dentures attach to the abutments of the implant. While you can still remove them for cleaning, this is a more permanent alternative to traditional dentures.

full arch dental implants

Full Mouth Dental Implants

At Winter Haven Dental, we offer All-On-5 full arch dental implants. This is the best way to limit bone recession due to missing teeth, and it restores 99% of your ability to eat a varied diet!

Dental Implant Restorations

If you have a failing dental implant, we can help restore it!

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Avoid Making Costly Mistakes!

Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your health, function, and quality of life. Avoid the common mistakes people make when considering implants by following our recommendations.

Dr. Hamarnah

Top 3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Implants

If you have extensive tooth decay, significant bone loss or an oral infection, we may need to address these problems before proceeding with the dental implant surgery, but we strive to make the process of getting the care you need as easy as possible.

FAQ about Dental Implants

There are four main steps to getting dental implants placed: The first phase is the initial consultation with Dr. Hamarnah, during which he will find out your smile goals and take detailed CBCT scans of your mouth, so your procedure will be precisely guided to ensure a custom fit. Then, on the day of your surgery, he will remove whatever is left of the problem teeth and install the posts. For All-On-5 dental implants, you’ll get five posts in each arch of your mouth. You’ll then have a follow-up exam, in which we make sure you’re healing properly. Then, about six months after your initial surgery, you get your final prosthesis.

Almost anyone is a candidate for full mouth dental implants! Ideal candidates for dental implants are in good physical condition and have no major jawbone issues, but even if you have extensive bone loss, we will do our best to help you qualify for dental implants in Winter Haven, FL. If you have extensive tooth decay, significant bone loss or an oral infection, we may need to address these problems before proceeding with the dental implant surgery, but we strive to make the process of getting the care you need as easy as possible.

You will experience some initial pain and swelling after your surgery, but these are generally minor and can be addressed with over-the-counter medications. Once your implants fully take hold, they should feel completely natural. Because they don’t shift around like traditional dentures can, you will likely have less mouth pain.

Dental implant surgery takes about 1-2 hours to replace a single tooth, and a few hours longer for full mouth dental implants.

Because the dental implants go directly into your jawbone, it can take up to six months to fully recover from your dental implant surgery. This is why Dr. Hamarnah offers a temporary tooth that covers the post while you recover.

Improve the appearance of your smile with personalized care from our cosmetic dentist in [city], [state]. Using a variety of cosmetic dentistry services, including inlays, onlays, composite bonding, teeth whitening, and porcelain veneers, we can perfect your smile and give your confidence a boost!

Do you snore at night? Do you wake most mornings with a headache and feel fatigued even after sleeping through the night? You may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Night guards or custom oral appliances can open your airway and help you get the restful sleep you, and your partner, need!

If you’re grinding or clenching your teeth, have worn-down teeth, or frequently experience jaw pain you may have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. This can occur for a number of reasons from malocclusion (bad bite), unhealthy oral habits, as well as jaw joint problems. An occlusal adjustment or custom mouthguard may be all you need to restore proper balance, relieve your pain, and maintain your oral health.

The Lasting Benefits of Dental Implants

Before After

Dr. Hamarnah

Get Your Smile Back in One Day

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Dental implants are not a quick-fix solution, and they can be more costly than traditional dentures, but we feel the dramatic improvements of dental implants should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we do everything in our power to make your dental implants in Winter Haven, FL achievable. We work with most major dental insurers as well as CareCredit® to help break your investment down into manageable payments.

Discover your ideal smile today!

Contact Winter Haven Dental for dental implant surgery in Winter Haven, FL today.

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